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  • You only get this progress figure
  • Two foundation XP figures are calculated, one predicated on the floor and OSRS gold one according to prestige; those are subsequently averaged to think of a last foundation XP worth to which modifiers such as bonus rooms and difficulty are applied.

    However, you only get this progress figure if you do a flooring you haven't done before on your present run of flooring. If you replicate a ground, the game utilizes a prestige figure of zero, greatly reducing your XP!

    Current Progress and Your First Run of Daemonheim Floors. When you begin training Dungeoneering for your very first time, you've obviously not completed any of the flooring. As soon as you finish floor level 1, the game will place your current progress to 1. This means you have finished 1 floor without copying it. If you do floor 1 over again, your current progress stays at 1, but when you finish floor two, your current advancement will change to 2.

    Since you must have a specific Dungeoneering skill level to get to each floor, you will eventually reach a place at which you cannot access to a new floor you haven't done before. By way of example, you have to have level 9 in the skill to proceed to floor 5, but it can be that after doing floors 1 through 4 you do not have the essential XP. As a consequence, you can no longer increase your present progress; it'll remain at 4 until you are able to get to floor 5.

    The XP which you are granted for finishing floor 4 the very first time will be calculated using floor number 4 (obviously ), and a prestige figure of 4 too. But should you repeat floor 4, the next time you get it done, the game will utilize a prestige figure of zero, and buy RuneScape gold you'll get much less XP.

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